Terms & conditions

Terms & conditions



1. The Website

The www.WorldHumanForum.earth website is owned by the non for

profit civil law company operating under the name

WorldHumanForum, based in Athens, 16 Elpidos Street (hereinafter

“Organization”) and aims to facilitate the communication between

the Organization with its supporters, as well as to inform the public

regarding the vision and goals, the actions and initiatives

undertaken by the Organization.

2.Terms of Use

The operation and use of the Website (hereinafter the “Website”) is

governed solely by the present terms of use (hereinafter the “Terms

of Use”).

These Terms of Use cover all the webpages hosted on the

aforementioned Website of the Organization. They do not apply to

the webpages hosted by other organizations with different

microsites, which can be used to provide a link to the Organization’s

Website. The users of those webpages must be informed with

regard to the protection policy of the individual webpages, they visit.

The users of the Website recognize that these Terms of Use are

binding, both in relation to the rights and obligations of the

Organization, as well as in relation to the rights and obligations of

the users themselves.

These Terms of Use are fully in compliance with the applicable

European and Greek law, as well as with the internet fair trading

practices (lex internetica) and if the users of the Website fail to

comply with them, they are responsible vis a vis the Organization

and any other affected natural or legal persons, in accordance with

the specific provisions in force.

Access to and use of the Website -including simple navigation on it-

implies the user’s full and unconditional acceptance of the Terms of

Use, as they apply at any time.

These Terms of Use may be reviewed and updated at any time

without prior notice. Users must check the Website for any changes

to its Terms of Use and if they continue to use the Website, this is

considered as acceptance of any amendments to its Terms of Use.

In case the user does not agree with the Terms of Use of the

Website, the said user must abstain from using the services.

The Terms of Use apply to the entire content of the Website

(hereinafter “Content”) which -by way of example- includes texts,

images, graphics, photographs, drawings, illustrations, videos,

sounds, files, software applications.

Except for the expressly stated exceptions (copyrights of third

parties, affiliates and operators), all content of the Website and in

general all files and data of the Website constitutes intellectual

property of the Organization and is protected in accordance to the

relevant provisions of the Greek law and in particular law 2121/1993

(“Intellectual property, related rights and cultural issues”), the

European law and related international conventions.

3. User Responsibility

The Website users must comply with the rules and provisions of the

Greek, European and international law and refrain from any illegal

and abusive behavior during the use of the Website and in relation

to it. The Website users are responsible for any damage caused to

the Organization, due to misuse or improper use of the Website and

the services offered through it.

In the event that the Organization engages in any legal action or is

called upon to pay any kind of compensation due to breach of user

obligations set forth in these Terms of Use, the user will be required

to compensate the Organization for the damage incurred.

The Organization encourages the private use of the Website and its

Content for personal information or for educational and research

purposes. The reproduction or storage of individual pages or data is

permitted only for educational or research purposes, provided that

the Website of origin is clearly indicated and there is a relevant

Creator’s Copyright Notice (provided they appear on the Website),

without prejudice to any copyright or industrial property rights.

However, the users must be informed that specific files or data

might be intellectual property of third parties (organizations,

companies, etc.) and may not be used without the permission of

those third parties (which may be indicated on the Website


It is strictly forbidden to store, reproduce, republish, transmit or

distribute any part of the Content for commercial purposes or for

any other use not covered by paragraph 3.

It is strictly forbidden to store, reproduce, republish, transmit or

distribute registered trademarks of the Organization, as well as

trademarks of collaborating bodies as they appear on the Website.

The Organization shall not be liable under any circumstances

whatsoever, including negligence, for any form of damage or virus

attack suffered by any user, making use of the Website on its own

initiative while aware of the terms herein.

4. Limitation of Liability of the Organization

The Organization strives by all means to provide the best possible

service to the users of its Website, making every effort to ensure

that the information and all content of the Website are accurate,

correct, clear, adequate and available.

The Organization can not, however, guarantee the suitability of the

content of the Website for any use, application or purpose. Τhe

Organization may not be held liable in any case whatsoever,

including negligence, and for any damage caused to the users of

the Website while using it on their own initiative and being aware of

these Terms of Use.

Similarly, the Organization does not guarantee that the Website or

any other related Website or the servers through which the content

of the Website is made available to its users are provided free of

“viruses” or other harmful components.

The Organization does not assume any responsibility, nor does it

provide in any way guarantees regarding the Content, the privacy

policy, the completeness and quality of the services and the security

of other websites interconnected with the Website through “links”,

nor for the servers through which the Website and other websites

are made available to users.

The Organization shall not be liable under any circumstances and in

any case whatsoever, including negligence, for any consequential,

incidental, indirect, special damages or costs or penalties arising

from any claims of third parties or in connection with the use or the

presentation of this Website or its contents or any other linked

webpage, regardless of whether the Organization was informed,

was aware or should have been aware of this possibility.

5. Intellectual Property Rights and Trademarks

All content of the Website, except for the exceptions expressly

stated (copyrights of third parties) is the property of the

Organization and is protected by the relevant provisions of Greek

law, European law and international conventions and treaties.

The Organization reserves all copyrights regarding the content of

the Website and the copies created based on it. Moreover, the

Newsletters that the user of the services of the Website may receive

by subscribing to the mailing lists, are intellectual property of the

Organization and are therefore protected by the relevant provisions

of Greek law and international conventions.

The content of the Website is available to its users for personal use

and is subject to amandments, without notice, at the discretion of

the Organization. It may not be transferred by any third party with or

without consideration, or copied, reproduced, modified, republished,

transmitted or distributed in any way or by any means, without the

written consent of the legal representative of the Organization.

The other products or services that are mentioned on the electronic

pages of this Website and bear the marks of the respective

organizations, companies, associates, and any kind of private or

public law legal entities, are the intellectual and industrial property

of the respective bodies and the use of the content of these

websites requires prior written consent of the eventual beneficiary.

6. Minor users

The users of the Website, who are minors, are allowed to access

the services of the Website only with the consent of their parents or


7. Personal Data Protection

This personal data protection notice refers solely to the personal

data of users, which they themselves provide voluntarily and with

their consent, in the context of using this Website.

The information provided by the users is used for their direct and

effective communication with the Organization (e.g. information

about activities, events, conferences, competitions, online games.).

The Organization does not distribute to any other organization or

partner, which is not related to the Organization, the email

addresses or any other information or data, relevant to the users of

its Website.

The Organization takes all appropriate technical measures to

safeguard the Website users’ personal data from loss or from any

form of illegal processing, as described in detail below (see 11.

Safety of Transactions).

The personal data provided by the user to the Organization for any

reason, such as participation in events or activities of the

Organization, donation to the Organization etc. are included in the

files of the Organization, are used exclusively for the users best

service and information and are not reproduced or made available

to third parties in any way whatsoever. If the user does not wish to

have their data archived, they must notify the Organization in

writing, within 10 days. In any case, the user is entitled to exercise

the rights of access and objection at any time, as provided by

articles 12 and 13 of law 2472/1997.

The Organization, having respect to the personal data protection

principles as stipulated by the Greek and European legislation and

the relevant international conventions, will not make any unfair use

without the prior consent of the user. The Organization may not

disclose, publish, sell or exchange in any way whatsoever the

personal data and information entrusted by the user. Exceptionally,

the Organization may disclose personal data following request of a

Public Authority, Court etc, always observing the procedure as

provided by law.

Users can, at any time, and provided there is a reasonable cause,

change the personal information, which they have notified to the

Organization or even cancel their use by filling in the relevant

electronic form.

The Organization shall not be liable under any circumstances,

including negligence, for any form of damage or virus attack

suffered by any user of the Website who makes such use on its own

initiative and who is aware of the terms herein.

To start any interaction with the Organization through the Website

(e.g. registration for receiving newsletters, participation in any

event), users must necessarily disclose certain personal data, such

as full name, home address, phone number, email address.

8. Access to Information

With regard to any transaction with the Organization (e.g.

participation in an online event), the collection of the user’s personal

is required. The submission of the personal data by the user

automatically implies their consent to the use of this data, for the

reasons mentioned above.

The Organization requires its employees and the webmasters of its

Website to provide its users with the level of security referred to in

this privacy statement.

The Organization may not disclose to other parties, in any other

case whatsoever, the personal data of the users of its Website,

without their prior consent, unless this is requested through legal


Under certain conditions, personal data submitted electronically

may be collected, used and disclosed, as provided by law or

following court decision – without prior consent of the Website


9. Cookies

The Organization may use Cookies in order to facilitate and operate

its services via its Website. Cookies are text files that are sent and

stored on the computer of the user, allowing websites such as the

one in question, to operate seamlessly and without technical

malfunctions, to collect multiple user selections, identify frequent

users, facilitate their access to eventual webpages and collect data

in order for the content of the webpage to be improved. Cookies do

not harm the computers of the users or the files kept in them. The

Organization uses Cookies to provide information and to process

the orders of the users, while whenever they exit the Website,

Cookies are automatically deleted. It is noted that Cookies are

absolutely necessary in order for this Website to function properly

and smoothly.

10. Correction, Amendment or Deletion of


The Organization enables the users of its Website to correct,

change, supplement or delete data and information provided to the

Organization. In the event that the user chooses to delete

information, the Organization will proceed and delete the said

information from its files immediately. In order to protect and keep

the users safe, the Organization will try to authenticate the person

making the changes as the real user.

In order for the user to access, modify or delete personal data, to

report problems regarding the use and operation of the Website or

to submit any question, they can contact the Organization via e-mail

at  info@worldhumanforum.earth  or via telephone by calling +30


11. Safety of Transactions

The Organization is committed, as far as possible, to ensuring the

security, confidentiality and integrity of the data it collects, regarding

the users of its Website. In particular, the Organization has adopted

procedures that protect the personal data that the users submit to

the Website or provide to the Organization by any other means (eg

by telephone or e-mail). The aforementioned procedures protect the

users’ data from any unauthorized access or disclosure, loss or

misuse, change or destruction. Moreover, they also help in ensuring

that the specific data is accurate and used correctly.

In particular, the Organization has implemented the appropriate

technical measures to safeguard the personal data of users from

loss, or from any form of illegal processing. Specifically, the

Organization uses the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol, for

secure online transactions.This protocol encrypts all users’ personal

information, so that it cannot be read or altered when transferred

online. The SSL protocol is now considered the Internet global

standard for the certification of websites to network users and for

the encryption of data between network users and web servers

(web servers). An encrypted SSL communication requires all

information sent between a client and a server to be encrypted by

the sending software and decrypted by the receiving software, thus

protecting personal data when it is transferred. In addition, all

information sent with SSL protocol, are protected by a mechanism,

which automatically detects if the data has been corrupted during


While the user is on the secure website in order to support the

Organization, their browser informs them that they are on a secure

website, by means of well visible signs, such as the logo of the

company that provides the SSL certificate to the Organization and

guarantees the secure exchange of data and the identity of the

Website of the Organization.

12. Acceptance of privacy procedures

The use of the Website constitutes a presumption for the automatic

and express acceptance of this privacy statement, as well as the

aforementioned Terms of Use of the Website.

13. Applicable law and other terms

The Terms of Use of the Website, as well as any modification or

change thereof, are governed and supplemented by Greek law, the

law of the European Union and the relevant international


If any provision of the Terms of Use is found to be contrary to the

above legal framework or becomes invalid, ceases to apply

automatically, without in any way affecting the validity of the other


This document constitutes the entire agreement between the

Organization and the users of its Website and is binding exclusively

on them.

The modifications of these Terms of Use shall be considered valid

and part of this agreement provided that they are in writing and

incorporated therein.

In the event of a dispute between a user and the Organization

regarding the current Terms of Use, the user is obliged, before

initiating any legal action, to contact the Organization within 15 days

by sending an e-mail or other written means. If they fail to comply

with this term, this involves violation of a substantial contractual

term entered into between the user and the Organization.

It is hereby expressly agreed that any disputes arising from the

application of these Terms of Use, if not resolved amicably, shall be

governed by Greek law and fall under the jurisdiction of the Courts

of Athens.

14. Contact

For any question, information, query, clarification related to the

Website and / or complaint, users can contact the following e-mail

address:  info@worldhumanforum.earth .